About TTKD Taekwondo - TTKD Taekwondo Stevenage - Korean Martial Arts

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About Us            
T-TKD is a friendly club in Stevenage.
T-TKD is a member of Chungdokwan (CDK), one of the original schools of Taekwondo in Korea. T-TKD is also affiliated to the British Taekwondo and the World Taekwondo Federation. The club's instructors have professional indemnity and public liability insurance through the British Taekwondo Council who provide instructor training and CRB checks.
All TTKD instructors are Master Level Trained in the UK and in Korea.
TTKD welcomes all ages.
Every member of TTKD has a licence which allows them to train at any British Taekwondo club and compete at any British Taekwondo competition. British Taekwondo is the National Governing Body for World Taekwondo in Great Britain.
The Committee:     
Evangelos Stavropoulos - 5th DAN Lead Qualified Senior Instructor
Master Toula Stavropoulos - 4th DAN  - Instructor & Poomsae coach
Master Harry Stavropoulos - 4th DAN  - Instructor & Kyorugi coach
Nawaf Kadhim - 2nd DAN Event Manager
Sebastien Lindqvist -1st DAN - Grading Demonstrator
Julieta Bonazza - 3rd DAN - Grading panel officer
Linda Stavropoulos - 2nd DAN - Qualified First Aider
Evangelos Stavropoulos - Safety Officer (Level 6 Qualified)
Claoudia Marin - Welfare Officer
Sebastian Lindqvist - 1st DAN Inclusion Officer
Master Harry Stavropoulos - Publicity Officer & First Aider
Master Toula Stavropoulos - Club Secretary & First Aider
Ethan Fox  2nd Dan -  Team Leader (Cadets)
Jenni, Candice, Cameron, Logan & Oliver - Kickstars Volunteers

Master Evangelos Stavropoulos
TTKD Lead Instructor
Lever 2 Coaching in Taekwondo
Level 2 Safeguard
Coach & Poomsae Referee
International Kyorugi Coach
Safety Officer (Level 6 qualified)
Master Toula Stavropoulos
Bsc (Hons) Business & Sport
4th DAN Chungdokwan
4th DAN Kukkiwon
Lead Instructor at UH
Poomsae Referee
Kyorugi Referee
Master Harry Stavropoulos
BTEC Level 3 Sports Coaching
Undergraduate Sports & Exercises Sciences
4th DAN Chungdokwan
4th DAN Kukkiwon
Kyorugi Referee
Poomsae Referee
Claoudia Marin
TTKD Welfare Officer
Assist TTKD to fulfil its responsibilities to safeguard children and vulnerable adults
Helping club volunteers understand their ‘duty of care’ towards children.
Nawaf Kadhim
2nd DAN Kukkiwon
Poomsae Referee
Kyorugi Corner Judge
Event co-ordinator
Ensure that all TTKD events are adequately prepared. Coordinate the running of the event on the day.

Linda Stavropoulos
Kyorugi Corner Judge
Qualified First Aider
2nd DAN Kukkiwon
2nd DAN Chung Do Kwan

Today I will DO what others WON'T
So tomorrow I can do what others CAN'T
St Peters Community Hall
The Willows, Stevenage,
Hertfordshire SG2 8AN
Chells Community Centre
12 Emperor's Gate, Stevenage
Hertfordshire. SG2 7QX
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